FGG Media
The NEW FGGmedia.com
All of the Old, and More of the New.
New Site, Attitude and Content.
Dead and Dormant are not the same.
Still Making Mistakes
We made mistakes so you don't. Still true to this day.
Content for the Average Shooter
Smooth Brains and Panderers are not welcome.
Do the Work
Content made behind a desk isn't our thing. We take courses, we run our guns and try and pass along digestible knowledge from our experiences.
What We Think Is Cool
Sometimes it's what everyone thinks, sometimes it's the opposite. Our opinions are your own and we are only one viewpoint of many. Many Grains of Salt will be required.
Fame, Fortune, Notoriety and Sponsors
Contrary to belief, we pay our own bills and are here because we want to be. In a world of Shills, sorry to disappoint you but we aren't one of them.
Curb Your Expectations
We have risen and fallen many times in the past 10 years. We aren't Content Creators by trade, we just try too hard at hobbies. Content is always on our mind, but we have to pay the bills first.

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